The Organisation Committee is pleased to announce that Dr István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture, will be the Chief Patron of the 13th European Conference on Precision Agriculture.

Video of the Technical Tour - Sowing station
Video of the Technical Tour - Nutrient Management station
Video of the Technical Tour - Plant protection station
We are about to begin - Set up day at the ECPA 2021 Conference in Budapest
Description of the Event for the Hungarian Press
13th ECPA Conference - Intro video
News regarding the 13th ECPA Conference
Dear Corresponding Author,
We would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that the payment deadline for Corresponding Authors is very close. It is very important that minimum one author per paper registers and pays the registration fee until 31 March at the latest. (Until today we have received 58 registrations.)
Please note: at least an on-line registration entitles your paper to be included in the Proceedings. Each paper needs a separate registration. In case the Covid situation clears and you would like to change your status from on-line to an in-person participation, it is possible.
All other authors of the given paper are free to register when it is convenient for them. (Early Bird tickets deadline is extended until 15 April 2021.)
Therefore please spread the information about the 13th ECPA conference and send the registration link to your co-authors and colleagues to encourage their participation, and further increase the reputation of the event.
Payment information
After receiving your registration, we will send you a “pro forma” invoice with all the payment details. The pro forma invoice will arrive from the e-mail address:
magyarorszagipreciziosegyesulet@szamlazz.hu .
Please check your spam folder as well.
After having paid the registration fee, you will receive a “prepayment invoice”. According to Hungarian Law, the “final invoice” will be sent to you via e-mail only after the Conference.
Thank you to all those who have registered, and we are very proud to announce that more and more key-note presenters accept our invitation to Budapest. Don’t forget to check the conference website in the next few days. www.ecpa2021.hu
We are glad to inform you that 116 full papers were accepted by the Scientific Committee and 60 posters are expected. We are sure we are heading for an exciting and high academic quality conference in Budapest.
Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us: ecpa2021@ecpa2021.hu
We look forward to welcoming you to the first hybrid ECPA Conference in Budapest.
The Organising Committee
The Organisation Committee is pleased to announce, that a side event will be organised during the ECPA2021 Conference by Our professional partner, the Hungarian-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Please find the description of the event on this link.
Technical tour
On the ECPA2021 conference technical tour participants will gain insight into precision agriculture technology solutions adopted and applied on the field through the example of a large Hungarian farming company, KEVE Zrt. The technical tour begins in the outskirts of Baracska, near Budapest (the capital city), where the technologies of the hosting company are presented through various stations.
The stations have their specific topics and follow the progress of vegetation.
Scope of the stations: soil, sowing, nutrient management and plant protection.
The last station, which has the topic of data processing, will take place in the castle park of Martonvásár, one of the important centre of Hungarian Agricultural Research.
13th European Conference on Precision Agriculture
19-22. July 2021
the University of Public Service – Ludovika Campus, Educational Centre
H-1083 Budapest, Üllői út 82
Contact us:
dr. Gábor Milics